
American Promise

American Promise’s mission is to empower, inspire, and organize Americans to win the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. This lasting reform will re-balance our politics and government by putting the rights of individual citizens before the privileges of concentrated money, corporations, unions, political parties, and Super-PACs. In 2018 alone, 27 supporters of the American Promise Pledge were elected to Congress.

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Center for State-led National Debt Solutions

Center for State-led National Debt Solutions’s (CSNDS) mission is to educate state legislators, members of Congress and the general public regarding the dire state of our nation’s finances, and potential solutions which include a Balanced Budget Amendment. CSNDS is composed of leading advocates for a Constitutional Convention called by the States. At present, 28 of 34 States have passed the necessary resolution for a convention to be held.

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RepresentUsis America's leading right-left anti-corruption group. They bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to fix America's corrupt political system; so the government works for everyday Americans and their families, not just a handful of billionaires and special interests. RepresentUs's strategy has been used throughout American history to create massive, lasting change. In 2018 alone, RepresentUs helped pass twenty-three transformative anti-corruption laws in cities and states across the nation—more than in any other year in our nation’s history. 

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Unite America

Unite Americais a movement of Democrats, Republicans, and independents who are committed to bridging the growing partisan divide in order to tackle our largest challenges and leave a better country for future generations. Unite America’s mission is to pass reforms that will unrig our broken political system and elect candidates who will put country over party. In 2018, Unite America had 43 chapters nationwide and helped Independent candidates achieve more than 8 million votes.

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Wolf-PAC is pursuing the strongest and most lasting solution to fix the urgent problem of big money in politics - a U.S. Constitutional Amendment. An amendment is the only solution that goes above Congress and the Supreme Court. Wolf-PAC's plan utilizes a proven strategy of pursuing a route that goes around Congress and puts the power to fix this problem in the hands of We the People via the states to propose this vital amendment. Wolf-PAC has chapters nationwide, seventeen States that have introduced their model resolution and five States that have passed it.

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